Profit Share Bonus - The rules of the program

  1. General provisions
    1. Profit Share bonus is additional funds that can be received when the client deposits any sum of money to his account and can be used during "drawdown".
    2. The bonus can be received when you deposit funds to MetaTrader 4/MetaTrader 5-based cent or standard accounts (ECN accounts do not participate in the program).
    3. Bonus can’t be received to the account, which already has other active extra funds of other type.
    4. Bonus funds are transferred to the client’s account automatically when he deposits his trading account, provided that the client has chosen the “Profit share bonus” option when filling the depositing form.
    5. Bonus can only be received when the Client deposits his account via automatic depositing system in his Members Area. Other ways of depositing do not participate in the program.
    6. The total amount of "Profit Share" bonuses on a single account (depending on its base currency) can’t exceed 10,000 USD / 10,000 EUR / 65,000 CNY / 7,800 GOLD. The maximum number of bonuses on a single account is 20.
    7. The total amount of "Profit Share" bonuses on all accounts (depending on their base currencies) can’t exceed 20,000 USD / 20,000 EUR / 130,000 CNY / 15,600 GOLD. The maximum number of bonuses on all accounts is 100.
  2. Working with the Profit Share bonus
    1. In case the Client has active bonus on his account, all account funds are divided into parts: the Client’s own funds and extra funds.
    2. The sum of Client's own funds at any moment of time is defined as the product of the account Equity by the amount of the Client’s own funds.
    3. The amount of extra funds is defined as the product of the account Equity by the part of each bonus.
    4. The ratio between these two parts is used for further calculations. The ratio is recalculated after each balance operation (deposit (with or without the bonus) / withdrawal) and each time the Profit Share bonus is cancelled or the requirements of the program are fulfilled.
      1. When the Client deposits his account, the deposited sum is added to the Client’s own funds. The amount of Profit Share bonus makes a new share, which will be taken into account separately before the bonus is cancelled or the requirements for the trading volume are fulfilled.
      2. When the Client withdraws funds, the sum he withdraws is deducted from the Client's own funds.
      3. After the Client fulfills the requirements for the trading volume, the amount of the bonus funds is added to the Client's own funds.
    5. Both the Client’s own funds and the extra funds can be used in trading without any limitations and restrictions. In such a case, extra funds can be used during "drawdown", in other words they will not be written off from the account if the equity on the account is less than extra funds until Stop Out takes place.
    6. The profit the Client receives is reapportioned between the Client’s own funds and extra funds on his account according to the current ratio.
    7. In case of "drawdown", the Client’s own funds and extra funds are used according to the current ratio.
    8. Detailed information about the account funds, its allocation between the Client’s own and extra funds, and the history of reallocation of funds after each balance operation are available on "Extra funds" page of your Members Area. To see detailed information, click "More".
    9. The sum available for withdrawal without cancelling the bonus and the sum that will be available for withdrawal after the cancellation are calculated automatically and displayed in your Members Area, on the page with request for the funds withdrawal.
  3. Funds withdrawal from the account with the active Profit Share bonus
    1. The sum of the deposit, which received Profit Share bonus, becomes available for withdrawal after the cancellation of the bonus or when the requirements for the trading volume are fulfilled.
    2. Until the requirements for the trading volume are fulfilled, the Client can withdraw his/her own funds (see 2.2) minus sums of those deposits, which received extra funds that are active at the moment.
    3. In case there are active Profit Share bonuses on the Client’s account, the sum of the funds available for withdrawal is calculated according to the 2 following formulas:

      <Sum_out> = <Equity> - <Extra_money> - <Deposits_with_active_Profit_Share>


      <Sum_out> = <Own_money>> - <Deposits_with_active_Profit_Share>


      Sum_out - the sum of the funds available for withdrawal.

      Equity - the funds on the Client's account.

      Own_money - the Client's own funds (see 2.2).

      Extra_money - the sum of extra funds (see 2.3).

      Deposits_with_active_Profit_Share - the sum of deposits, which received active extra funds.

  4. Fulfillment of the requirements, cancellation, and writing off Profit Share bonus
    1. The sum of Profit Share bonus and the sum of the deposit, which received extra funds, becomes available for withdrawal only after the Client makes the trading volume (in standard lots) equal to:

      <Number of lots> = <The Profit Share bonus sum in USD*> / 2

      * - In case the Client deposits his account in other currency, the funds are converted into USD according to the Company’s internal currency rates.

    2. When calculating the trading volume for fulfilling the requirements of the bonus program, we take into account transaction for all available currency pairs and metals, which were opened and closed after the Bonus had been received. Transactions that involve CFDs and cryptocurrencies are not taken into account when calculating the trading volume required for fulfillment of program conditions.
    3. If the bonus is cancelled while the account is in "drawdown", the amount of the bonus that is left on the account will be written off from the account.
    4. Only the amount of the bonus that is left on the account is written off from the Client’s account when Stop Out takes place.
    5. The Client has the right to cancel the bonus he received at any moment in his/her Members Area. In this case:
      1. If current bonus sum is more that the initial one, the current sum of the bonus will be written off from client's account.
      2. If the current bonus sum is less that the initial one (the bonus is in "drawdown"), the amount of the bonus that is left on the account will be written off from the account.
      3. The sum of the deposit, which received this bonus, becomes available for withdrawal.
    6. iMarketscope reserves the right to change the rules of the program by giving a prior notice to clients.

    Please note, that the essential condition of the Program is iMarketscope's right to deny receiving Profit Share bonus or to write off the bonus funds from the Client's account without prior notice and giving reasons.

Examples of calculation

  1. How Profit Share bonus stands the drawdown

    You deposited 1,000 USD to your account and received the bonus of 500 USD (50%). Shares and funds available for withdrawal will be defined as follows:

    The account equityThe share and the sum of own fundsThe share and the sum of the bonusFunds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellationFunds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation
    The account equity 1 500*The share and the sum of own funds66,67% (1 000)The share and the sum of the bonus33,33% (500)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation1 000 – 1 000 = 0Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation1 500 – 500 = 1 000

    Then you opened several positions that currently have floating loss in the amount of 1,300 USD. The account Equity is 200 USD, which is less than the sum of the active bonus.

    Profit Share bonus will not be written off in such cases and may help to stand the drawdown.

    After market situation is changed, your positions earned the profit of 300 USD. Some part of these funds (according to the bonus share) will not be available for withdrawal. The funds of the account will be allocated as follows:

    The account equity1 800*The share and the sum of own funds66,67% (1 200)The share and the sum of the bonus33,33% (600)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation1 200 – 1 000 = 200Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation1 800 – 600 = 1 200

    * - All calculations are made in USD.

  2. How to fulfill the requirements for trading volume

    You deposited 500 USD to your account and received the bonus of 125 USD (25%). Shares and funds available for withdrawal will be defined as follows:

    The account equityThe share and the sum of own fundsThe share and the sum of the bonus 1The share and the sum of the bonus 2Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellationFunds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation
    The account equity625*The share and the sum of own funds80% (500)The share and the sum of the bonus 120% (125)The share and the sum of the bonus 2-Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation500 – 500 = 0Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation625 – 125 = 500

    You performed several trading operations and earned the profit of 600 USD.

    The account equity1 225The share and the sum of own funds80% (980)The share and the sum of the bonus 120% (245)The share and the sum of the bonus 2-Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation980 – 500 = 480Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation1 225 – 245 = 980

    Then you deposited your account once again, 1,000 USD this time, and received the second bonus of 500 USD (50%). Note that the account Equity is now divided into three part as follows:

    The account equity2 725The share and the sum of own funds72,66% (1 980)The share and the sum of the bonus 18,99% (245)The share and the sum of the bonus 218,35% (500)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation1 980 – 1 000 – 500 = 480Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation2 725 – 245 -500 = 1 980

    You performed several more trading operations and got the profit of 300 USD, and the total trading volume of the account is now 63 standard lots. That means that the requirements for trading volume for the first of your bonuses are fulfilled and the total sum of the bonus funds becomes your own funds.

    At this moment, the share of this bonus is added to the share of your own funds and the restriction on the withdrawal of the deposited sum, which received the bonus, is no longer valid. Now, your account balance is as follows:

    The account equity3 025The share and the sum of own funds81,65% (2 469,91)The share and the sum of the bonus 1FulfilledThe share and the sum of the bonus 218,35% (555,09)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation2 469,91 – 1 000 = 1 469,91Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation3 025 – 555,09 = 2 469,91

    * - All calculations are made in USD.

  3. Funds withdrawal with the active Profit Share bonus on the account

    You deposited 500 USD to your account and received the bonus of 125 USD (25%). Shares and funds available for withdrawal will be defined as follows:

    The account equityThe share and the sum of own fundsThe share and the sum of the bonusFunds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellationFunds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation
    The account equity625*The share and the sum of own funds80% (500)The share and the sum of the bonus20% (125)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation500 – 500 = 0Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation625 – 125 = 500

    You performed several trading operations and earned the profit of 600 USD.

    The account equity1 225The share and the sum of own funds80% (980)The share and the sum of the bonus20% (245)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation980 – 500 = 480Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation1 225 – 245 = 980

    You decided to withdraw all funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation (480 USD). Please, note that the withdrawable funds will be deducted from your own funds and after that, shares of your own funds and bonus funds will be recalculated. After withdrawal, the funds of the account will be allocated as follows:

    The account equity745The share and the sum of own funds67,11% (500)The share and the sum of the bonus32,89% (245)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation500 – 500 = 0Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation745 – 245 = 500

    With several more trading operations, you earned additional 500 USD of the profit. Please note that this profit will be allocated between your own funds and bonus funds according to new shares. As a result, now your account balance is as follows:

    The account equity1 245The share and the sum of own funds67,11% (835,52)The share and the sum of the bonus32,89% (409,48)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation835,52 – 500 = 335,52Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation1 245 – 409,48 = 835,52

    * - All calculations are made in USD.

  4. What happens to Profit Share Bonus in case of the StopOut

    You deposited 1,000 USD to your account and received the bonus of 500 USD (50%). At first, shares and funds available withdrawal will be defined as follows:

    The account equityThe share and the sum of own fundsThe share and the sum of the bonusFunds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellationFunds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation
    The account equity1 500*The share and the sum of own funds66,67% (1 000)The share and the sum of the bonus33,33% (500)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation1 000 – 1 000 = 0Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation1 500 – 500 = 1 000

    Then you opened several positions that resulted in a loss. While the positions are open, the bonus will not be written off from the account even if the account Equity becomes less than the sum of the extra funds.

    Later, the account margin reaches the StopOut value and the positions are liquidated with the loss of 1,450 USD. The funds on the account will be defined as follows:

    The account equity50*The share and the sum of own funds66,67% (33,33)The share and the sum of the bonus33,33% (16,67)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation33,33 – 1 000 = 0Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation50 – 16,67 = 33,33

    After the StopOut, the active bonus amount that is left on the account will be written off from account according to 4.4 of the rules of the Program's.

    The account equity33,33*The share and the sum of own funds100% (33,33)The share and the sum of the bonusWritten offFunds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation33,3Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation-

    * - All calculations are made in USD.

  5. What happens in case of the drawdown and Profit Share Bonus cancellation

    You deposited 1,000 USD to your account and received the bonus of 500 USD (50%). At first, shares and funds available for withdrawal will be defined as follows:

    The account equityThe share and the sum of own fundsThe share and the sum of the bonusFunds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellationFunds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation
    The account equity1 500*The share and the sum of own funds66,67% (1 000)The share and the sum of the bonus33,33% (500)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation1 000 – 1 000 = 0Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation1 500 – 500 = 1 000

    You performed several trading operations that resulted in the loss of 800 USD. The account balance will be as follows:

    The account equity700The share and the sum of own funds66,67% (466,69)The share and the sum of the bonus33,33% (233,31)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation466,69 – 1 000 = 0Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation700 – 233,31 = 466,69

    If you decide to cancel the bonus while the account is in “drawdown”, then according to the article 4.2.2 of the rules of the Program, only the amount of the bonus that is left on the account will be written off from the account. After Profit Share Bonus cancellation, the account will only have your own funds, which are available for withdrawal at any time.

    The account equity466,69The share and the sum of own funds100% (466,69)The share and the sum of the bonusCancelledFunds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation466,69Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation-

    * - All calculations are made in USD.

  6. Example of allocation of your own funds and bonus funds

    You deposited 1,000 USD to your account without receiving Profit Share bonus. Then you opened several positions that currently have floating loss in the amount of 800 USD. The account Equity is 200 USD.

    You deposited 500 USD to your account and received the bonus of 250 USD (50%). Please note that after such deposit, the sum of your own funds on the account is 700 USD, because the non-extra funds of the deposit (500 USD) will be added to the current Equity of the account (200 USD). The account balance is not included in any formula of calculation of shares for the "Profit Share bonus" program.

    Hence, the account balance will be as follows:

    The account equityThe share and the sum of own fundsThe share and the sum of the bonusFunds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellationFunds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation
    The account equity950*The share and the sum of own funds73,68% (700)The share and the sum of the bonus26,32% (250)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation700 – 500 = 200Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation950 – 250 = 700

    After market situation is changed, your positions earned the profit of 100 USD. The profit from trading operations since the moment the bonus was received is 900 USD (because the drawdown was liquidated beside of the floating profit).

    The profit will be allocated between your own funds and the extra funds according to their shares:

    The account equity1 850The share and the sum of own funds73,68% (1 363,08)The share and the sum of the bonus26,32% (486,92)Funds available for withdrawal without bonus cancellation1 363,08 – 500 = 863,08Funds available for withdrawal in case of bonus cancellation1 850 – 486,92 = 1 363,08

    * - All calculations are made in USD.